Website Modification Request

[[[["field9","equal_to","Custom date - publish later"]],[["show_fields","field10"]],"and"]]
Full Nameyour full name
Phoneyour full name
Company Nameyour full name
Website URL
DescriptionDetails about your changes
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Upload relevant files here. Please make sure they are uploaded before you click Submit. JPGs, PNGs, PDFs and Word Documents are ok to submit.


Please select an option below regarding when you would like these updates to be made on the website.

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Hey Peggy Changes

Hey Peggy Changes are free text and image changes that do not require any stylistic changes (css), reformatting or rearranging of the template, photoshopping, addition of new content such as pages and technical features, and/or having to re-code a portion of the website. Requests for custom content modifications may be out of scope and will be estimated as applicable. Also changes requiring new coding, an increase in the size of the site, or modifications to the navigation options will be priced separately.

We will notify you if your changes are not considered Hey Peggy changes.

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